Gathering together a group of talented hair and makeup artists, photographers, finding an amazing space and putting together a contest was no easy feat. The coordination it takes to get people on board with what YOU think is a great idea, and something you feel so passionate about, is tricky. It was tough hearing “no” when we just wanted to hear “YES! How do we get on board?!” Every single moment of this experience was amazing for us. Hearing these women’s stories and knowing that we are lifting their spirits, giving them strength, and looking in the mirror with confidence again is the gift we have been given. We give this service freely to help those who need it. It’s a very lucky thing to be given a gift that can be shared to build anyones soul. I truly believe this.
When we first read Bella’s story, she hadn’t actually shared her mothers story, nor did we know that her mother had also entered our contest! As fate would have it, and I do believe fate had his hand in this, their stories, while both so very different, touched us deeply. It wasn’t until after they had both been chosen, that everyone realized that they were actually Mother and Daughter.
When I first met Bella, I saw a very quiet and shy young lady, who would do anything to help her mom, to just be with her. I thought it was very endearing. As we met to do fittings, hair cuts and colours, I noticed that with each step, Bella was becoming more and more open. I started to notice a light in her, a humour, someone who enjoyed moving around the room and had a certain spark. It was absolutely lovely to see. It was a pleasure meeting this young lady, who’s heart is clearly worn on her sleeve, and who loves her mother very deeply. Meet Bella!
Bella’s Hair Cut, Colour and Styling by Whitney Dheilly
Makeup & Wardrobe Styling by Kelly Hastman Cherewick
Hi! My name is Bella and this is my story!
When I first heard about the transformation contest, I was going through a tough period in my life. I had recently had a falling out with one of my best friends and felt as though I had lost a part of me. At the exact same time, I was stressed out about applying to go back to school, and meeting all the requirements for registration. Both of these things had left me feeling defeated, and not like myself. I wasn’t feeling confident in myself to say the least, and this contest seemed like just what I needed to help me get back to feeling like myself again.

Image by Harder Photo Design

Image by Harder Photo Design
For the past few years of my life, my mom has been extremely ill and the thought of losing her is something that is in the back of my mind at all times. She is the person who told me to enter and she also happens to be one of the 6 women who was chosen for the contest as well.

Image by Harder Photo Design

Image by Harder Photo Design

Image by Harder Photo Design
This transformation has been an amazing experience for me. I am so thankful to everyone who was involved with everything from selecting winners, all the planning put into styling us, the makeup and hair artists, photographers and so much more.

Image by Lynette Giesbrecht

Image by Lynette Giesbrecht

Image by Lynette Giesbrecht
The most rewarding part of this entire experience for me, was being around the other 5 women and watching their transformations come to life. As well as being around such positive and uplifting people. If at any moment I doubted myself being able to wear a certain outfit or be in front of the camera, there was someone there to comfort me or give me the extra push I needed. My favourite moment in particular was seeing my mom’s face light up as she saw herself for the first time in one of her outfits.

I walked away from this experience feeling differently about myself. While it was fun to get my hair and makeup done and try on all the beautiful outfits, the connections I made with these people and the way I feel about myself now, is by far the best part.
We could not have done this without the help of our community.
Lennard Taylor for the amazingly crafted articles of clothing! We can’t thank you enough for these fantastic pieces!
Sparrow Events Company for the use of your fantastic space and thank you so very much for the wicked change room! Unexpected and just beyond cool!
Forever 21 for lending us the fun pieces we were able use for this shoot!
Our artists Harold Santos, Whitney Dheilly, Chelsea Watson, Lisa Schoor with The Artist Groupe. We are blessed to call you all partners and work with your talent, selflessness and selves every day! Thank you for giving these ladies the pampering and styling they deserved!