Elegance is the only beauty that never fades.
— Audrey Hepburn
Makeup Lesson (per person) / $150+
Using 5 basic brushes, a mirror, and your own make up bag, we help you to minimize your make up routine while suggesting necessities.
- Each lesson is 1.5 hours and is developed uniquely for you
- Available in the comfort of your own home for yourself, or in a party format with a group
Makeup Workshops / $50-100ea
You learn to re-create make-up that is demonstrated on a model. We provide you with the brushes necessary to complete the make-up, while giving guidance and feedback. Learn to be your own artist at home!
- $50/person, 4 person minimum required
- Basic items necessary to complete the make-up will be communicated and discussed prior to the workshop
- Workshops can be customized per your request
Commercial & Special Effects / Please Inquire
Beauty bootcamps! Stay tuned for more information