
Meet Maegan

I’ve personally known Maegan for many years. I encouraged her to enter the contest, but didn’t express to anyone on our judging panel that I knew her. She was the only contestant that received every single judges vote. Her story is relatable, real, powerful and inspiring.

Her story here does not explain the depth of the beauty of her soul. Maegan is a truly amazing woman. While parenting her beautiful family and being a wife, she always finds time to love and support those who are most important to her. She does so with a beautiful grace that will warm your heart.

Maegan was diagnosed with a pituitary brain tumour when she was only 19. Her positive view on life is tremendous. She is very private about her struggles and chooses not to share her struggles or story, where there will be any focus on her. She has learned to live with this and maintains an inspirational positive attitude about it every, single, day. Her heart has a unique ability to love unconditionally, beautifully, and without want for anything in return. Her view and perspective on life is so incredibly encouraging. She was beyond deserving of this very special day.

It was a pleasure giving her the opportunity to have a moment of self love. To show her how tremendous her beauty is.

Meet Maegan.



Hello. I am Maegan – and this is my story.

I am a wife who is married to my best friend. I am a mother to 4 children. A 6,5,3 & 1yr old! Yes, you read that right!  Busy, is an under statement.

My day starts at 7am and it’s full throttle all day, till the kids go to bed, which is when  I start my 2nd part of the day. Laundry, lunches, email teachers, grocery shop, try to get in a workout in there, connect with friends, work on my new business, and find a few moments to do something for me. Did I get that all?!? I end my day after midnight and hope that my “on call job” of tending to my children doesn’t wake me too many times, and pray for a decent night sleep.

My plate is full. I find myself running out of time each and every day. Every day, I am hoping that the next day will have more time in it. Hoping it will find a little more of my old self.



Hair Cut, Colour and Styling by Chelsea Watson

  Image by Harder Photo Design 

So when I started the beginning of 2017, I promised myself that I would be a priority. Not to become selfish, but to fill my cup a little more than I have in the past, so I would have more to offer my loved ones. My husband, my children and the people I hold dear to my heart. I have started this process, but I had felt that I hit a road block. As my 4th child just turned 1 year old, and a hobby of mine that miraculously turned into a business, I find myself lacking self confidence. I am not back to my ideal body shape & weight post-children, the lack of confidence from being in the work force world, the style trends have changed in the last 6 years, and most of all not knowing how to juggle all of the intense responsibilities of all of these hats.

The outside package (aka – ME) needed a makeover to match the me I’m working to be in my mind. The one I want & desperately needed to be.


 Image by Lynette Giesbrecht

So when this contest came about, a friend encouraged me to enter.

I can’t remember my response. I think I maybe chuckled a little and thought it would be nice But the insecure side of me thought I wouldn’t win.  And…then the dreaded thought creeped in of people seeing me at my “not so best”, was ever so frightening. But, I pressed send at the last few minutes before the contest ended.

Ahhh, what did I do?!?

And then I was chosen. What?!? This has become real.


 Image by Lynette Giesbrecht

She put all these clothes in front of me that I would never have put on.  I was skeptical, but entertained her and myself, by putting them on. I walked out of the change room, and was amazed. She paired all these pieces to fit my body type & my lifestyle. Picking up kids from school, going on play dates, to throwing on my fancy shoes to go out in the evening with my husband for a date. I was impressed!


 Image by Harder Photo Design 


 Image by Lynette Giesbrecht

Next, I met with Chelsea to talk about cut & colour. I couldn’t believe how fast & efficient she was. When she was all done, I looked in the mirror and felt so fresh and hip. As a mama, I often feel guilty or the need to rush when I take the time for me outside the home. She took the time to do this, to make me feel beautiful & special. I couldn’t stop touching my hair and realizing this was the start of the new me.

I beamed from the chair instantly, giving her a hug.


 Image by Harder Photo Design 

Soon, it was the makeover day – where it all came together.

I showed up that morning to meet all the other woman who won the contest. I felt like I already connected with them because we all had so much in common. They were all so open & excited to be there – at the same time I did not know their full stories.


 Image by Lynette Giesbrecht


 Image by Lynette Giesbrecht

As the day went on, we all enjoyed our time getting to know each other, realizing we all have stories. We enjoyed all the pampering The Artist Groupe was giving to us.


 Image by Harder Photo Design 

The photographers were so lovely. They instantly put me at ease. Quickly I felt like it was just me and the photographer laughing and doing fun poses.

At the end of the day, I was sad to see it end. It was so much fun getting to know all the other contest winners, being inspired by their stories, the hairstylists, makeup artists, photographers and

The Artist Groupe owners and how they literally transformed the outside of me within the day.


 Image by Lynette Giesbrecht

I walked away from the experience changing a few things about the old me and being so thankful about it. They transformed this mama of 4 and wife to someone very special – I was SO grateful.

I remember coming home, walking into the house and my children looking at me saying “mommy, you look so different, is that really you?”

I truly feel better & more confident about myself. Thank you so much to The Artist Groupe. You enhanced me to be a better & polished ME!


 Image by Lynette Giesbrecht
We could not have done this without the help of our community.
A HUGE thank you to Lynette Photographer & Harder Photo Design for these spectacular images! We truly couldn’t have done this without you ladies! The talent you both exude is awesome to see!
Lennard Taylor for the amazingly crafted articles of clothing! We can’t thank you enough for these fantastic pieces!
Sparrow Events Company for the use of your fantastic space and thank you so very much for the wicked change room! Unexpected and just beyond cool!
Alise Frederic Salon for framing these lovely faces with brow shaping!
Forever 21 for lending us the fun pieces we were able use for this shoot!
Shelley Hook’s Closet for the super cool wardrobe we got to dress these lovely women in for this shoot!
Suzan Kiernicki for the amazing Stella & Dot jewelry! So great to get to use such great pieces in our wardrobing!
Our artists Harold Santos, Whitney Dheilly, Chelsea Watson, Lisa Schoor with The Artist Groupe. We are blessed to call you all partners and work with your talent, selflessness and selves every day! Thank you for giving these ladies the pampering and styling they deserved!
Thank you from the bottom of our hearts.
Owner / The Artist Groupe

Meet Marnie

From the very first time you meet Marnie, one would see a quiet, reserved woman with a peaceful resonance.

But there’s something behind those eyes.

When you get to know her, you see the spunk. The woman who won’t be held back by any challenge; mental, or physical. One who loves to dance, socialize, experience adventures & helps those she hardly knows.

She pushes herself to the edge with any

challenge and has a love of life that will bring you to tears.

She sees things we don’t all see. She loves in a deep and incredible way.

Her heart is as pure of a gold as I’ve ever seen.

She is love personified. Knowing Marnie is a gift.

She genuinely makes you feel appreciated, validated and most of all, loved.

Here is a woman who graces your life in a way that makes you want to be better,

do better, love harder and appreciate those things you’ve

been taking for granted.

Meet Marnie.



My name is Marnie.



Makeup by Harold Santos

Hair Cut, Colour and Styling by Lisa Schoor

Wardrobe Styling by Kelly Hastman Cherewick

 Image by Lynette Giesbrecht

I entered the transformation contest as I felt this was just what I needed.
Time to get a little piece of myself back again!


 Image by Harder Photo Design 


 Image by Harder Photo Design 

For the past sixteen years I have been employed at Seven Oaks Hospital as a clerk.

I loved my job. Feeding the homeless on a night shift or just bringing someone a blanket made me feel great!


Image by Lynette Giesbrecht


Image by Lynette Giesbrecht

 A few years ago, I had decided I wanted more and helping those that were most vulnerable would make me feel proud. I decided to return back to university to obtain my Bachelor of Social work degree. While working, being a wife, raising my children, this goal appeared as though it was in my near future. I worked hard and spent many, many hours studying. I had many aspirations I wanted to achieve.

So that’s where my planned path was going… Life, had other ideas for me.


Image by Lynette Giesbrecht

Over the next few months, I could never have predicted what would lay ahead. I was experiencing headaches and excessive thirst, and suddenly, I was attending specialist appointments and suffering from illness. My health took a drastic downfall. Although it took some time to figure out, an MRI showed a brain tumour near my optic chasm, which could lead to blindness. After numerous appointments, neurosurgeons, an endocrinologist, I was now told I had a team of specialists at Health Sciences Centre, working on a plan to save my life! What? I didn’t even realize how serious this had all become. After rapid treatment and often the highest doses of medication possible, I have fought and taken these horrible drugs that have reaped havoc on my body. I have lost hair, my feet, face, and hands are swollen most days. Some days it’s hard to walk as I am just so weak. These are just some of the side effects of the illness.  Sometimes when I look in the mirror I don’t see myself anymore.


 Image by Harder Photo Design 


 Image by Harder Photo Design 

I have decided over this past year, to live each day as a positive role model for those around me, as much as possible. Although, I have no control over the days of nausea and vomiting, or the weakness and ability to sometimes walk only a few minutes. Those are the bad days. On every good day I have, I am outside doing fun things, and spending quality time with my children. I now have Panhypopituitarism due to a second tumour above that gland in my brain. I also have memory loss now, so my writing skills are a challenge. There is no need to go on regarding my twenty pills a day and two injections that are keeping me alive.

My university degree has been put on hold. I had to retire from my job as I could no longer work shift work.


Image by Lynette Giesbrecht


Image by Lynette Giesbrecht


Image by Lynette Giesbrecht

I am choosing to continue to stay positive and be happy around my children and others.

Helping is what I do best!

 There really is no way to describe how good it feels to be empowered by the stories of others. This day meant so much to me. I felt just a little bit, like my fun, happy self again! To have these photos for my children so they can see me all dressed up and glowing in a dress, well that, is priceless!
The Artist Groupe really boosted my spirits, I can’t thank them enough!
This was a day I will never forget. The experience will last a lifetime!
We could not have done this without the help of our community.
A HUGE thank you to Lynette Photographer & Harder Photo Design for these spectacular images! We truly couldn’t have done this without you ladies! The talent you both exude is awesome to see!
 Lennard Taylor for the amazingly crafted articles of clothing! We can’t thank you enough for these fantastic pieces!
Sparrow Events Company for the use of your fantastic space and thank you so very much for the wicked change room! Unexpected and just beyond cool!
Alise Frederic Salon for framing these lovely faces with brow shaping!
Forever 21 for lending us the fun pieces we were able use for this shoot!
Shelley Hook’s Closet for the super cool wardrobe we got to dress these lovely women in for this shoot!
Suzan Kiernicki for the amazing Stella & Dot jewelry! So great to get to use such great pieces in our wardrobing!
Our artists Harold Santos, Whitney Dheilly, Chelsea Watson, Lisa Schoor with The Artist Groupe. We are blessed to call you all partners and work with your talent, selflessness and selves every day! Thank you for giving these ladies the pampering and styling they deserved!




Meet Lisa

When you first meet Lisa after reading her story, you find a calm, relaxed demeanour with a great sense of humour. The kind that makes you laugh unexpectedly and without a care. Just a deep, hearty laugh. Lisa is a true inspiration. Her story is a powerful one. One that makes you sit back and realize that every woman has a story. Every mom has a strength inside of them that is drawn on when needed that makes her extraordinary. This, is Lisa.



My name is Lisa and this is my story.



Makeup by Harold Santos

Hair Cut, Colour and Styling by Lisa Schoor



I am a recently separated mom of two fantastic kids. I put my name forward, not because I thought I would be selected, but because it was a chance, an opportunity, a first step forward, in trying to find me again.

The past couple of years have been incredibly difficult, eye-opening, challenging yet empowering at times as well. My husband and I separated in October 2014. It was my decision and it was the right one. I didn’t want my kids growing up thinking that’s what a marriage looked like. I didn’t want my son thinking that’s how he should treat a woman. I didn’t want my daughter thinking that she should let a man treat her that way. I wanted to set a better example.

Life as a single mom is not how I envisioned my life. No one close to me is divorced. It’s hard when no one can fully relate.
I work full time and have been solely responsible for the well-being of my kids. Time, I’ve come to realize, is precious; it’s limited. I’m up every day at 5:30 and often not getting to bed until 11:00 at night.  Between all the household duties (inside & out), kids activities, my full time job, plus my duties as Chairperson on the board of directors with my kids daycare, there’s never enough time and definitely none for myself. I used to have a small amount of time when my kids would see their dad however, they’ve had no contact with him since November. He didn’t even see or call them at Christmas. I’m doing my best to support them as best I can. Financially, things are tight, but we’re doing what we can. Unfortunately, there’s nothing left for me. But, I’m okay with that as long as my kids have what they need and are happy.  I have such respect for all the single parents out there.


 Image by Lynette Giesbrecht
 Image by Lynette Giesbrecht
  Image by Lynette Giesbrecht
 The flip side to this though, is that I’ve realized that everyone, including moms, need some time for themselves. One is only as strong as the weakest link in the chain. I had made a comment to my best friend: I’m not living. I’m existing. I feel like I’m on the Titanic and while everyone else is finding safety, I’m sinking and going down with the ship. It was overwhelming and was having an impact on my mental and physical well-being.


 Image by Lynette Giesbrecht
 So I entered the contest: for the chance, the opportunity, the first step on the way to finding me again. Thank you for this. Even if I hadn’t been selected, I took the step.  The other 5 incredibly fantastic women I met, also took that step.  My life was changed during this process.  Thank you to these women.  Thank you to Kelly and her talented team of artists (hair, makeup and photography).  This is an experience that won’t be forgotten!



 Image by Lynette Giesbrecht
We could not have done this without the help of our community.
A HUGE thank you to Lynette Photographer & Harder Photo Design for these spectacular images! We truly couldn’t have done this without you ladies! The talent you both exude is awesome to see!
 Lennard Taylor for the amazingly crafted articles of clothing! We can’t thank you enough for these fantastic pieces!
Sparrow Events Company for the use of your fantastic space and thank you so very much for the wicked change room! Unexpected and just beyond cool!
Alise Frederic Salon for framing these lovely faces with brow shaping!
Forever 21 for lending us the fun pieces we were able use for this shoot!
Shelley Hook’s Closet for the super cool wardrobe we got to dress these lovely women in for this shoot!
Suzan Kiernicki Style Consultant for the fantastic Stella & Dot pieces.
Our artists Harold Santos, Whitney Dheilly, Chelsea Watson, Lisa Schoor with The Artist Groupe. We are blessed to call you all partners and work with your talent, selflessness and selves every day! Thank you for giving these ladies the pampering and styling they deserved!

Meet Josee

When we first heard Josee’s story, the majority of the judges for the contest were mom’s, so her story resonated so clearly and loudly to many of us.
We so often suffer silently with the daily struggles, expectations and realities of being a parent. The ideas of what being a mom is, are often filled with cuddling babies, walks in the park andcoffee dates while our babies lay sleeping soundly.
The realities can often catch us off guard and shock us to our core.
In meeting Josee, she is a lovely, funny, sweet and kind woman. She exudes a confidence and gives those
around her a feeling of acceptance and courage.
I am so proud that Josee so openly shared her story.
Her story is my story. I hope this touches you as deeply as it has so many of us already. Meet Josee.
 Image by Lynette Giesbrecht
Josee’s Hair Cut, Colour and Styling by Chelsea Watson
 Image by Lynette Giesbrecht
I have always struggled with low self esteem, but having my son was a completely different spiral for me.  I felt I couldn’t do anything right.
I felt criticized and judged during my mat leave. I struggled with leaving
the house and participating in any “mommy and me” groups or even
just going for a walk.  I thought it was normal to feel this way,
but I saw my friends who had also recently had their kids and didn’t seem to be struggling as much as I was.  This only deepened my feeling of inadequacy
as a mother, and a person.  Nothing was clear, everything just seemed off and I didn’t know why.
 Image by Lynette Giesbrecht
 Image by Lynette Giesbrecht
 Image by Lynette Giesbrecht
Coming back to work was even more difficult.  I wasn’t the same.
I couldn’t do the things I used to be able to do. I wasn’t as efficient, or organized.
I didn’t have the same memory and in my job, I relied heavily on those things.
This, combined with leaving my child with a stranger (daycare), the loss of control over my day to day life was just too much.
I felt like I couldn’t do anything right.  I truly felt like I was sinking.
I tried everything, but never fully committed to anything looking back on it now. Cleaner diets, exercise, seeing my doctor.
I pushed myself to be everything to everyone and to still try to be that person
I used to be and still manage everything else in my life to the level
I used to be able to.
I couldn’t. It was impossible, but I couldn’t let it go.
I just couldn’t give myself permission, it felt like if I did, it would be just another failure.
There came a point where I had to take time off work, seek help from my
doctor/counselor and even then continued to struggle for months with symptoms of Post Partum Depression.
I still have my bad days, but I’ve learned to move past them, to not identify with them as much.
 Image by Lynette Giesbrecht
 Image by Lynette Giesbrecht
After being notified that I was picked for this makeover, I was instantly excited.  I hadn’t felt that way about myself in, what felt like, years.  The experience was incredible.  I felt special, I couldn’t believe all the work you guys did to give me this makeover.  I felt your support, I felt loved throughout the whole process, and I didn’t even know you.  It was an eye opener, to see that the world isn’t dark, that I’m not alone, that I’m not judged or criticized.
Looking back now, it feels surreal, like a dream, but I can look in the mirror now and see that person that you brought out on that day and it gives me a boost every morning.  My journey isn’t over, I’m going to battle PPD for a long time but I feel important now, I feel worthy and I feel capable.  You guys did that, what you did for me was more than I could ever express in words.  You have brought me back to life and for that I am truly grateful.
Josee Gordon
 Image by Lynette Giesbrecht
 Image by Lynette Giesbrecht
We could not have done this without the help of our community.
A HUGE thank you to Lynette Photographer & Harder Photo Design for these spectacular images! We truly couldn’t have done this without you ladies! The talent you both exude is awesome to see!
 Lennard Taylor for the amazingly crafted articles of clothing! We can’t thank you enough for these fantastic pieces!
Sparrow Events Company for the use of your fantastic space and thank you so very much for the wicked change room! Unexpected and just beyond cool!
Alise Frederic Salon for framing these lovely faces with brow shaping!
Forever 21 for lending us the fun pieces we were able use for this shoot!
Shelley Hook’s Closet for the super cool wardrobe we got to dress these lovely women in for this shoot!
Our artists Harold Santos, Whitney Dheilly, Chelsea Watson, Lisa Schoor with The Artist Groupe. We are blessed to call you all partners and work with your talent, selflessness and selves every day! Thank you for giving these ladies the pampering and styling they deserved!

Meet Bella

Gathering together a group of talented hair and makeup artists, photographers, finding an amazing space and putting together a contest was no easy feat. The coordination it takes to get people on board with what YOU think is a great idea, and something you feel so passionate about, is tricky. It was tough hearing “no” when we just wanted to hear “YES! How do we get on board?!” Every single moment of this experience was amazing for us. Hearing these women’s stories and knowing that we are lifting their spirits, giving them strength, and looking in the mirror with confidence again is the gift we have been given. We give this service freely to help those who need it. It’s a very lucky thing to be given a gift that can be shared to build anyones soul. I truly believe this.
 When we first read Bella’s story, she hadn’t actually shared her mothers story, nor did we know that her mother had also entered our contest! As fate would have it, and I do believe fate had his hand in this, their stories, while both so very different,  touched us deeply. It wasn’t until after they had both been chosen, that everyone realized that they were actually Mother and Daughter.
When I first met Bella, I saw a very quiet and shy young lady, who would do anything to help her mom, to just be with her. I thought it was very endearing. As we met to do fittings, hair cuts and colours, I noticed that with each step, Bella was becoming more and more open. I started to notice a light in her, a humour, someone who enjoyed moving around the room and had a certain spark. It was absolutely lovely to see. It was a pleasure meeting this young lady, who’s heart is clearly worn on her sleeve, and who loves her mother very deeply. Meet Bella!
Bella’s Hair Cut, Colour and Styling by Whitney Dheilly
 Makeup & Wardrobe Styling by Kelly Hastman Cherewick
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